We took good advantage during this years Stuart's Summer to see three music events. A fantastic evening of contemporary danceby Faro drama students was held in Sao Bras cinema - a very professional display for the grand sum of 4 euros entry fee!
The following week end, we took off to the back of Silves for a late night of music at O Gradys 12 Bar Blues - sitting outside until 3 in the morning. Free
Great performance from JigglyWiggly - think Rocky Horror meets Burlesque
Last week end we took the van up to Portalegre to go to Freekuency, a three day free music festival organised by a few Brits. I am too old to understand that having so many facial piercings that you could be plucked up by an industrial magnet is attractive or that to enjoy the deep bass music you need to be off your head on something far stronger than annadin.
Despite his best attempts, this joker still couldn't light his cigarette
Stunnning totty though...when I eventually figured out which walking sowing boxes were girls and not boys wearing skirts. With no facilities other than two open cess pits, a nights camping in Tripoli during the bombing would have been quieter. Free, but at a cost...
10am Day 2 and only the living dead remain dancing
We left and stayed a night at Mertola, my first trip there for 20 years and well worth a visit, all tastefully renovated, the river is so beautiful there. Good job we didn,t camp there on December 6th 1875, were a flash flood raised the river level by over 40 metres, killing over half the local population!
Well worth a day out, Mertola
We got back in time for the Passion Sunday service but guess I was still in party mood as I swear there was a donkey in church sitting in front of me...
Pedro listening to Father Bob